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Products to Extend Authorware
Here we list a few products which can help with your elearning courseware development. Unfortunately, most Xtras and U32s are no longer commercially available.


eLearning Chef



Authorware 6 - Scott J. Wilson, Jennie Thornton - Learn More
While we all wait for a new book to cover the latest version of Authorware, this is one of the best available for now. Everything you need to know to become a skilled user is covered in this book.

Authorware 6 Training from the Source - Adobe - Learn More
Together with the Authorware 6 book above, this one is the next best one - published directly from Adobe and with companion CD-ROM

Authorware 6 VTC Training CD - Colin Webster - Learn More
Virtual Training Company makes learning the most challenging software easier. A friendly expert takes you smoothly from the basics of the program through every single feature. It's simple to apply what your learning as you go

Authorware: An Introduction to Multimedia - Simon Hooper - Learn More
This introductory book guides readers through the essentials of Authorware. Adopting a user-friendly, tutorial approach, Hooper leads users step-by-step throught the development process.

Camtasia - Learn More
Training, support and presentation videos have never been easier to create! With the Camtasia Studio Suite, you can capture screen video or stills, edit the movies, add audio, and output to a variety of formats. An all-in-one solution.

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